How to implement the CTA button in facebook?

How to implement the CTA button?

To add a CTA button to your Facebook page, follow the below steps –

    Visit your Page and click the “Create Call-to-Action” button.
    Select the most appropriate call-to-action and enter the URL you want your fans to visit. Click the “Next” button. (You can add UTM links incase you want to track the performance, however, facebook will give you stats on clicks.) Note: If the mobile website field is left blank, subscribers would not be able to see the CTA button on a mobile device.
    If you’re driving iOS users to a website, select “website”. If you’re driving iOS users to an app, select “app”. Follow the same instructions on the next screen for Android.
    Click Create – Et Voilà!

It’s important to remember that just adding the CTA button to your Facebook page will not increase traffic to your website. I highly recommend prompting users to click on the CTA button with the help of a cover photo as shown below.

Go ahead and get creative with those cover photos & CTA buttons and see what works best for your brand/business!
